Table Diseases and Disorders of Amphibians
Disease or disorder | Clinical signs | Treatment and comments |
Red leg disease | Reddened skin on underside of pet; ulcers on toes; bloating; cloudy eyes | Treat with antibiotics; salt baths; sanitize amphibian’s environment |
Edema syndrome | Generalized swelling or bloating of the body; breathing difficulties; weakness | Can occur because of liver disease, skin disease, toxins; also seen in amphibians living in and around distilled water; treat by veterinary removal of fluid with needle and syringe; salt baths; treat underlying cause |
Water mold disease | White to brown cotton like lesions on skin; weight loss; lethargy; breathing difficulties | Seen in amphibians housed in water kept below 70°F; diagnose with skin scraping; elevate water temperatures to above 70°F; salt baths |
Dehydration | Weight loss; emaciation; lethargy; dull, dark skin; sunken eyes; in coordination | Seen in terrestrial amphibians kept in high temperatures; also in amphibians with skin disease; treat with water and electrolyte baths |
Parasitic disease | Skin ulceration and lesions; diarrhea; weight loss; breathing difficulties | Due to poor husbandry and stress; treat with antiparasitic drugs and antibiotics; clean and sanitize enclosure; improve nutrition |
Hypothermia | Listlessness; loss of appetite | Maintain proper environmental temperatures |
Poisoning | Skin lesions; seizures; skin color change; bloating; breathing difficulties | Sources can include disinfectant residues, vegetation or food contaminated with insecticides; contaminated water; remove inciting cause; support through good nutrition an husbandary |
Bacterial skin infection | Nodules on skin; weight loss; skin ulcers | Treat with appropriate antibiotics; improve sanitation |
Metabolic bone disease | Deformities of jaws and/ or limbs; limb fractures | Due to imbalance of calcium, phosphorus, and other vitamins and minerals in diet; treat or prevent by feeding or dusting food source with supplement prior to feeding to amphibian |
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