Nutrition Mice and Rats

Rations for mice and rats should consist of commercial rodent pellets with a few vegetables or fruit pieces added. However, these treats should not exceed 5 percent of the total daily ration. Some mice and rats may prefer the treats over the regular ration, leading to nutritional imbalances. At the same time, be careful not to over feed regular rations, since obesity causes the same ill effects in these small animals as it does in larger ones.

The average mouse will consume about 3 to 4 grams of food per day; rats will consume 10 to 20 grams. Chew-resistant dispensers that hang suspended from the side of the cage can be used to deliver water and food. This method of delivery is much more sanitary than simply placing a food or water bowl on the floor of the cage.
Be sure the sources of food and water are easily reachable and that the delivery end of the water sipper remains accessible. Failure to heed this advice could lead to death from starvation or dehydration, especially in small or weak animals. Natural wood blocks or sticks for chewing should be placed in the enclosure as well to help keep the incisors worn down and healthy.

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